
July 2019

Game4Automation offers engineers and designers access to millions of 3D CAD models from over 500 parts catalogs. The original data of the manufacturers is based on the eCATALOGsolutions technology by CADENAS and can be integrated directly into Game4Automation as a free development framework for visualization and virtual commissioning in automated environments.

MDL Europe, a French component manufacturer for standard parts in tool & mould making, relies on the Electronic Product Catalog by CADENAS and was thus able to increase the number of 3D downloads of its products by nearly four times as much within nine months.

As in nature, where bowerbirds decorate their breeding grounds in certain colors when attracting the female mate, industrial companies also use colors to attract customers and to differentiate themselves from market competitors. Since the color of a component can be a decisive criterion, PARTsolutions offers engineers and purchasers an innovative color search.

One of the biggest challenges for the manufacturing industry is sales lead generation. Made In Britain met with experts from Power Jacks and CADENAS UK to learn how their successful strategy of providing an Electronic Product Catalog led to a 30 % increase in sales.