Is your Intellectual Property Protected Against Counterfeiting? |

Product piracy is becoming an increasingly bigger problem for many industrial companies as they are not protecting their intellectual property. CADENAS' 3D CAD models allow component manufacturers to provide engineers with enough information to make a qualified decision without running the risk of being copied. Read more > |
Why are parts more expensive than intendend? |

Only with competitive product prices can companies survive in the international market. The first thought is usually to optimize the purchase prices. For effectively reducing costs, companies should know initially the total life cycle costs for its purchase and own parts of their products. Read more > |
Classification 2.0 – The Easy Way to Classify |

Only a few companies have a classification system for their standard, supplier and company parts, because manual classification is very complex and above all prone to error. CARDENAS offers through Strategic Parts Management PARTsolutions and Classification 2.0 a simple and quick solution. Read more > |

Now the free PARTcommunity 3D CAD models app by CADENAS is available for Android, iOS and Windows 10.